March 29, 2025
Aged Care Waiting List

Aged Care Training

Waiting lists for places are growing across Victorian aged care homes. As the number of elderly people in Australia increases, younger and younger people are putting their names on waiting lists for aged care facilities in preparation for the future. Within some facilities, there is a 30 percent more demand for spaces than their were positions available. The majority of people on the waiting list for those places were not looking for immediate accommodation in an aged care facility.

As people look to secure a place in an aged care home five to ten years in advance, there is a huge strain on the services currently offered. These statistics, in conjunction with the demographic and economic factors, highlight the demand placed for aged care services.

Inspire’s Aged Care Courses Training Blog keeps readers up to date with all the latest in Aged Care News and Information.

Demographic Factors

  • Health and longer life expectancy of elderly
  • Ageing of the Australian population with low growth
  • Changes in living arrangements
  • Less access to informal care, such as a spouse or other immediate family member
  • Rise in dementia calls for specialised carers

Economic Factors

  • Preference for particular types and standards of care, people are now remaining in their homes for longer requiring visits from formal carers as opposed to moving into residential care
  • Assets of people
  • Distribution of income
  • Funding from governments for services

As many people are making decisions in fear of missing out, people reserving beds years in advance may find their choice of facilities, location and price may be inappropriate. It is important to choose an aged care facility based on personal and financial considerations.

Financial Considerations

It is important to consider financial options:

  • The option of informal care from family members
  • Whether you are going to sell your home
  • Alternatives to funding an accommodation bond
  • Negotiation of your aged care facility fees
  • Means testing-exemptions

Personal Considerations

By 2050 the number of Australians aged over 85 will grow from 0.4 million to 1.8 million and will comprise of 5% of the population. As the population grows, their diversity, whether cultural, linguistic or sexual becomes more apparent. The preference of older Australians is changing, including a greater desire for independent living, and for culturally relevant and specialised care.

Overall, the number of elderly people in Australia will triple in the next forty years. In response, the government has guaranteed increased funding for nursing home places and an increase to aged care staff salaries. However, as the over-80 segment of the population is increasing at twice the rate of the total population, growing demand for qualified aged carers is set to be a continuing issue.

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